Tuesday 12 November 2013

Three Shot Types - Match on Action, 180 Degree Rule and Shot, Reverse Shot

180 Degree Rule - The 180 Degree Rule shot is a guideline for on screen shooting. This makes sure that the camera is always shooting on one side of the scene and not the other. These shots are usually used to show the relationship between two characters and is used frequently when filming conversations between characters.

Shot Reverse Shot
- Used to demonstrate conversation. One character speaks and the camera is focused on them, then the other character speaks and the camera switches and films this character, then back to the other one once more. The camera switches to the speaking character.

Match On Action -  a shot can be taken and stopped. The next sequence of events continues the film without the viewer being aware that the shots were taken at separate times. For example a person opening a door and filming can be stopped. The following day filming could be continued as the same person enters a room. The viewer will not be aware that any break has taken place. But you have to make sure the character you are filming is:

· Wearing the same clothes

· Appears identical to the previous filming time

· Lighting (time of day/weather)

· Clocks in the view must be same time.

· Also if person entering on the left they have to leave on the right


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