Monday 4 November 2013

Location Shots

I took a picture of this double archway into a church with the intention of a very short shot, with the flash of the main scary character in the doorway. I took this shot quite low down as the arch is not only large itself but also makes you feel inferior as it looms over you, drawing you into the church. There is a possibility to film this in the dark using an external light source such as a halogen lamp or a simple torch to create shadows and illuminate key characters' expressions or body language.

This is a shot of the cross gravestones in the foreground with the church in the background. I thought this was a good shot as the gravestones in the foreground are wonky and have been displaced by the land -  over the course of time they have fallen together. The storyline of our film opening is that the original birth child of the family dies, after the traumatic experience the parents went through, they decide to adopt a child. However the birth child comes back to haunt the family as the newly adopted child is getting all the attention from the parents that the birth child wants. I thought this picture ties in very nicely with our storyline as the two crosses that are slanting together represent love and a relationship (like the family with the adopted child), whereas the cross In the very foreground represents isolation (the birth child that died) and looking into a situation. 

This shot of the stairs going down to the door can be quite useful as a point of view shot (pov) in the credits. The fact that the stairs go down into the dark could be linked to hell or dungeons which are both conventions of horror films. A filter could be added to the camera lense when filming to create further shadows and create more of an atmosphere in the shot. It could also be useful for a shot reverse shot which would make the character standing above the stairs look superior to the one at the bottom of the stairs.

This shot is taken from the garden which sits directly next to the church and the graveyard. There is a fence behind a drainage ditch which seperates the edge of the graveyard and the garden which is a visible barrier between the graveyard (the dead) and the gardens of the family home (the living). This could be a good shot as it has this trait but also gives you a sense of time as you can see the church clock. If this is filmed at night a torch can be used to illuminate the clock which can be useful to create setting, time and sequence.

1 comment:

  1. Some good location shots here, Alex, with appropriate commentary.
