Tuesday 10 December 2013

Possible Production Names & Logos

After brainstorming ideas for names we came across many problems as everything we suggested was already a production company. So we had to think of something original and unique.

Some of the research we did was of different synonyms of relative words to do with the horror genre.

However, after extensive research, we found that a lot of these synonyms were already used for other production companies, whether it be a large mainstream one, or a budget company.

We came up with the idea of 'Shallow Grave Studios'. At first we thought this was quite a good idea but one of the group members said it was too long as a name, we thought that something a bit shorter which was a bit more catchy would be better. We all agreed that we would change the name and we decided upon 'Tombstone Productions'.

Tombstone Productions suited our brief because it was shorter and it was more catchy so we decided, as a group, to keep it.

Possible Logos.


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