Wednesday 11 December 2013

Different Fonts

Frank Knows

This font looks quite sinister. The sharp edges and the inconsistent thickness could represent an un-settled mind, something that may be useful in our film opening as it relates to the psychological side of horror films. However, the 'T' at the start could be mistaken for a capital 'J' which will change the meaning of the title completely, also causing confusion for the audience. 

DiE die diE Í

This font is a good specimen because it has been made to look like it has been scribbled down by somebody. This scribbled writing isn't as legible as normal handwriting, this makes you notice more about the words because you have to concentrate on reading what it's saying more than you normally would have to with normal writing. The backwards 'e's' could represent difference and isolation from the rest of the letters - this could be linked to a ghost in a paranormal horror film as it's separate from human beings and everyone else.

SF Gushing Meadow

I like this font because it has a gothic theme to it with the flicks on the capital 'T' and the 'l' in angels. This font is very easy to read and the 'dripping blood' effect puts the audience in an un-nerving position as soon as they see the font because it could be proleptic to something that may happen in the film. There is a strong message that could come from this font as it is just a normal font and it is 'dripping with blood' which ruins a perfectly normal font. This could highlight the differences between a ghostly character and a normal character in the film opening.

First Alphabet
This font is particularly good because it relates to one of out themes which is children. Children are innocent and sweet but in our film opening the ghost of the child is quite the opposite. This looks like it has been written by a small child which could relate to the fact that the child has been told/forced to write this by evil forces. It also has quite a spooky effect to it.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Possible Production Names & Logos

After brainstorming ideas for names we came across many problems as everything we suggested was already a production company. So we had to think of something original and unique.

Some of the research we did was of different synonyms of relative words to do with the horror genre.

However, after extensive research, we found that a lot of these synonyms were already used for other production companies, whether it be a large mainstream one, or a budget company.

We came up with the idea of 'Shallow Grave Studios'. At first we thought this was quite a good idea but one of the group members said it was too long as a name, we thought that something a bit shorter which was a bit more catchy would be better. We all agreed that we would change the name and we decided upon 'Tombstone Productions'.

Tombstone Productions suited our brief because it was shorter and it was more catchy so we decided, as a group, to keep it.

Possible Logos.


Thursday 5 December 2013

Questionnaire Results

As you can see we asked a wide range of ages on this questionnaire. We mostly asked people 16 and above as we thought that people in this age range were more likely to watch horror films. Also because our film will probably be targeted at ages 16 and above.


We tried to ask females and males equally but found that we had actually asked more females than males. We wanted to ask both females and males because our film is going to be targeted at both genders and not just one.

We asked whther people actually watched horror films and the majority of the people do and only a small number don't.

If the people answered 'yes' then they were asked a few more questions. We then asked how often they watch then. We found that most people watched horror films between 0 and 3 times a week.

Then we asked what horror genre they mostly watch to see what was most popular. As you can see, paranormal horror is most popular. We will think about this when producing our film.

We found out that most poeple will watch horror films at home.

Most poeple will watch horror films with other people such as their friends. So we need to think about all of the different types of poeple that will be watching the horror film and try to make it for everyone.

We asked people how they feel when watching a horror film. The most popular emotion we found was 'scared' and 'excited'. This did not come as a surprise to us. In our film we are going to try to create these emotions.

From these findings we found that most people watch films at night. We decided this was because this helps set a scary atmosphere.

We found that most females are scared of male characters. We have found that most characters that play the villan are male and the victims are usually female this is probably why we have found these results.

Lastly we asked what type of character scares them the most. We found that a Demon/Ghost would scare most people the most. We will think about this when we are creating our film.