Monday 23 September 2013

Different Genres Of Film

 Different Genres Of Film

There are many different genres of film. These include;

ACTION - An action story is similar to Adventure.
Action and Adventure are categorized together, where
one character takes a wrong turn or makes a risky move
which then leads to different situations.

COMEDY - This is normally a story that follows a series of
funny or comical events. It's intentions are to make the audience
laugh. often filled with jokes and over exaggerated actions
and consequences.

CRIME - Crime stories are ones of which tell a story of crimes
being committed or committing   It can also be an account of a criminal's life. It often falls into the Action or Adventure genres. Detective stories, murder mysteries and gangster films all fall into this category.

FANTASY - A fantasy story is a story about magic or supernatural forces, rather than technology, though it often is made to include elements of other genres, such as science fiction. Dying Earth, Harry Potter and Fairy
Tales all fall into this category.

HORROR - Horror films are stories told to deliberately scare or frighten the audience, they do this through suspense, violence or shock. Often Horror films consist of Ghost stories, a murderer, zombies or a monster.

ROMANCE - Modern writing tends to look at a relationships or
engagements, but, traditional writing involves chivalry and adventure. 
It has produced a wide array of sub-genres, most of which have a happy ending and focus on the mutual attraction and love of a man and a woman.

SCIENCE FICTION - Also known as 'Sci-Fi' and is similar to fantasy 
except stories in this genre use scientific understanding to explain the 
universe that it takes place in. Star Wars is an example of  a 
Science Fiction film.

THRILLER - A Thriller film is usually one of which includes a mix of
fear and excitement. It has traits from suspense, action, 
adventure and mystery genres. Psychological Thrillers are particularly
effective because they focus on the mind set of the hero, it also requires a mature mind to take in everything that is happening in the scene.

URBAN - Urban Fiction is also known as 'Street Lit'. As the name implies it is often set in a city landscape. The genre is much defined by the race and culture of the characters in the setting. The tone for urban fiction is usually dark and are heavily orientated around 'troubled youths' of today. They focus on drug deals, violence, sex and are usually explicit.

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