Thursday 20 February 2014

Ideas For Film Name

I have thought about all of these names with our film's storyline in mind so they all link directly to the film. The final film name that was decided as a group was 'Twisted Angels'. We chose this because it has the closest link to the film in our eyes as the girl (when she was alive) was the parent's ideal of an Angel, but, after she died she has become warped as a person and twisted into evil, hence "Twisted Angels'.

Sunday 9 February 2014

Preliminary Task Evaluation

I thought that the preliminary task went quite well. The exercise was aimed mainly at using a variety of various different camera angles / shots and to get used to some of the issues or problems you would encounter when filming. Overall i think it went quite well and the shots flowed together nicely which helped produce a well established and professional short clip. 

Thursday 6 February 2014


First scene. 
[Camera pans down onto a lonely long road.] [Car drives up the road straight towards the camera.]
Cut scene.
[Camera shot out of the window showing passing trees]
Cut scene.
[Wide shot of a road. Car drives in and down the road and parks in-front of the house.]
Cut scene.
[Close up of Alex's shoes] [Alex steps out of the car slowly shutting the door behind him.]
Cut scene.
[Establishing shot, facing Alex] [Alex walks away from the car towards the camera and past it]
Cut scene.
[Close up shot of gate] [Alex places hand of the gate pushing it and walking through]
Cut scene
[Match on action long shot] [Alex walks away from the gate and past the camera again]
Cut scene.
[Panning shot through trees] [Alex walks across the graveyard and past the church]
Cut scene.
[Long shot] [Alex walks up through the gravestones towards the camera and stops at this one grave. His head held low].
Cut scene.
[Mid shot] [Alex looks down at the gravestone]
Cut Scene.
[High angle long shot showing the gravestone]
Cut scene.
[Mid shot back to Alex] [Alex looking upset]
Alex : *Sigh*
[Alex reaches down towards the grave giving us full view of what is behind him]
[Becky stands head down facing towards Alex.] [Becky slowly starts walking towards Alex.]
[Alex stands back up again still looking at the grave.] [ Alex walks off showing that Becky is now gone.]
Cut scene.
[Mid shot from behind grave facing the church] [ Alex walks past the camera away from the grave. ] [Becky slowly follows head still down]
Cut scene.
[Establishing shot of the front of the house] [ Alex walks down and towards the front door ]
Cut scene
[Long shot inside of house facing the inside of the front door] [ Alex walks into the house shutting the door behind him.] [ Alex turns on light and the music diegectic music of the music box starts to play ]
[ Alex walks towards camera with a worried and confused look on his face.]
Cut scene.
[Wide shot of the floor] [Alex walks past the camera as the music is still playing]
Cut scene.
[Close up shot of the stairs] [ Alex slowly starts walking up the stairs ]
Cut scene.
[High angle shot of Alex walking up the stairs] [ Alex is looking even more worried and confused] [The music box stops playing]
Cut scene.
[Low angle Long shot] [Alex slowly walks up the stairs and through the hall way, looking around the house as he goes]
Cut scene.
[Wide angle shot] [Alex walks through the hall and into the bath room] [Alex exits the bathroom and towards the camera] [Becky steps out into doorway by the bathroom as Alex leaves the shot]
Cut scene.
[Tilted over the shoulder shot of Becky] [Becky slowly walks towards the door] [Lights flicker]
Cut scene.
[Close up tilted shot of the china doll as Becky is walking along] [Lights flicker]
Cut scene.
[Close up shot of door handle] [Becky reaches towards the door and grabs the handle tight]
Cut scene.
[Close up shot of Alex's face] [Alex wakes up scared looking around the room]
Alex: *Out of breath*
Cut scene.
[Wide shot of the bedroom door] [ Alex steps out and walks towards and past the camera looking relived]
[As Alex leaves the shot camera moves down and to the left of the frame zooming in on the china doll in the corner.]
End opening scene.